Berita Perpustakaan

Kunjungan SMAN 1 Ajibarang ke Perpustakaan Lokaghana SMA Negeri 1 Sedayu

Thursday, November 11, 2021, Lokaghana Library received a visit from State High School 1 Ajibarang. This visit is in order to absorb and share information about the school library’s programs, services, and innovations. SMAN 1 Ajibarang group arrived at 10.00 wib. The group consists of 8 librarians of SMAN 1 Ajibarang library. The group was welcomed by the Deputy Principal, Head and Library Of Loka Ghana State High School 1 Sedayu.

The event took place in the central room of the Bakka Library of Ghana State High School 1 Sedayu State High School. The event was hosted by Anang Sulistio, S.I. Pust. The first speech was delivered by Deputy Head of SMAN 1 Sedayu Heru Subandri, S.E. The second speech was delivered by the Head of SMAN 1 Ajibarang Library. The event was then continued with a library presentation presented by the Head of Library Lokaghana Syamsuriani, S.Pd. the event was followed by a profile of the ghanaian loka library. After that the replacement of sma Negeri 1 Ajibarang library displays the latest profile for the Bank Indonesia competition. The event then continued with a tour of the library reviewing the ins and outs of the lokaghana library. On the last show. Do a Q&A. The visit of SMAN 1 Ajibarang ended at 1:30 p.m. The visiting event can be listened to below.

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